Archive for Kotaku

LOL Comment: Brett Favre

Posted in LOL with tags , on September 18, 2009 by The Quintessential Geek

User ShaggE has this to say about Brett Favre while commenting on the article “And Here’s A Wii Football Accessory” on Kotaku:

“Y’see, the thing about having such a smooth football controller is, you get into the game, you forget to use the strap, and BOOM! You’re out one TV. I mean, I mean, I mean, Brett Favre is like the Wii of football players. He wiggles and waggles and he keeps everybody entertained! I mean, he can stay in the pocket for hours! That’s football at it’s best!

Speaking of pockets, I had a pen in my pocket the other day. I forgot about it, and the pocket-to-leg friction caused the pen to draw ink all over the inside of my pocket! I mean, one minute I have nice clean pockets, and the next, BOOM! Tough Actin’ Tinactin! … Wait, I meant, BOOM! Inky pockets! And you know what rhymes with ink? Think. And let me tell you about thinking. Brett Favre is so good at thinking, that he could hold off an entire defensive team for an hour, and STILL deliver the ball right into the receiver’s arms.

Now, think about that for a second. Picture that in your mind. Are you picturing it? Good! Because I can’t! Brett Favre transcends beyond my limits of imagination! It’s incredible! I think I just saw the face of God, and that face belonged to Brett Favre!

Speaking of God, I went to church the other day. And there was a spider sitting on my hymnal! So I threw the hymnal out the window, got into my car, and ran that sucker over! But Brett Favre… Brett Favre could have thrown that hymnal far enough to hit a guy in the next state! And he could have dodged fifty linemen while doing so! BOOM! Rent-A-Center! It’s mindblowing!

In short, that peripheral looks far too smooth.”

Y’see, the thing about having such a smooth football controller is, you get into the game, you forget to use the strap, and BOOM! You’re out one TV. I mean, I mean, I mean, Brett Favre is like the Wii of football players. He wiggles and waggles and he keeps everybody entertained! I mean, he can stay in the pocket for hours! That’s football at it’s best!

Speaking of pockets, I had a pen in my pocket the other day. I forgot about it, and the pocket-to-leg friction caused the pen to draw ink all over the inside of my pocket! I mean, one minute I have nice clean pockets, and the next, BOOM! Tough Actin’ Tinactin! … Wait, I meant, BOOM! Inky pockets! And you know what rhymes with ink? Think. And let me tell you about thinking. Brett Favre is so good at thinking, that he could hold off an entire defensive team for an hour, and STILL deliver the ball right into the receiver’s arms.

Now, think about that for a second. Picture that in your mind. Are you picturing it? Good! Because I can’t! Brett Favre transcends beyond my limits of imagination! It’s incredible! I think I just saw the face of God, and that face belonged to Brett Favre!

Speaking of God, I went to church the other day. And there was a spider sitting on my hymnal! So I threw the hymnal out the window, got into my car, and ran that sucker over! But Brett Favre… Brett Favre could have thrown that hymnal far enough to hit a guy in the next state! And he could have dodged fifty linemen while doing so! BOOM! Rent-A-Center! It’s mindblowing!

In short, that peripheral looks far too smooth.

Gamescon’s Craziest PC Case Mods

Posted in Art with tags , , , on August 23, 2009 by The Quintessential Geek

[via Kotaku]

“PC gaming is big in Germany, or so we’ve gathered by the rabid enthusiasm shown at Leipzig and Cologne’s gaming conventions. Also big is the PC case modding scene, which got plenty of real estate at Gamescom.”