Archive for Stand-Up Comedy

Johnny Ryan in The IT Crowd [Stand-Up Comedy]

Posted in Comedy, TV with tags , , on July 29, 2008 by The Quintessential Geek

A “Back In Bleck” album poster (or perhaps a 7″ record) by Johnny Ryan stands on the wire shelf behind Roy’s desk, to his right.

“Johnny Ryan is my current favorite “modern” comic artist, even though he occasionally pisses me off. He’s an angry guy who picks both appropriate and inappropriate targets, and will aim for an easy poop and pork joke whenever possible. And because he doesn’t appear to like competition, he’ll occasionally aim a sharp barb at hard targets that include some of the early alternative comix masters without whom there would be no Johnny Ryan. The bottom line, however, is that Ryan’s comics are balls-out hilarious.”

[via Mania]